After 4 straight weekends away from home, I was thankful for what I considered a "home game." That being a game that I would have to drive less than 2 hours to Chicago.
I planned to spend the day in Chicago, however a winter storm started hitting Milwaukee and Chicago early Saturday.
Arena #8 would be the first game of the NBA tour that a female would attend the game with me. When I arrived at her house at about 2:00 PM, I noticed that my rear tire was flat. Not good. She kindly offered to allow me to drive her car.
By 3 PM, we were on the road, but the conditions were much worse than we anticipated and we often couldn't get above 30 MPH. Cars were sliding off of the road everywhere, into ditches, guardrails, and other cars. About an hour into the drive, a car ahead of us swerved and several of the cars in front of us suddenly braked, so I did the same. Unfortunately the car hit an ice patch and the back end slid right into the median. The bumper was cracked pretty badly, so I can't wait to see what the bill for this one will be.
Anyways, we were already an hour into the drive and I did not know when I could re-schedule this visit, so we moved on. The drive (normally less than 2 hours) took about 4.
So we got to the United Center, where we were met by Jill Gayton. She immediately took us down to the court where many of the Bulls' players were warming up.

Joakim Noah

Chris Duhon

"Big" Ben Wallace shooting with a ball that was much larger than regulation size, I assume to improve his shooting

Benny the Bull then made his appearance

He allowed me to to shoot a free-throw. I was so nervous - my short was short & to the left...

I begged for one more try...

I drained the 2nd shot.

Benny then pointed to the 3-point line. I was always a post player, so was a bit uncomfortable in this territory. As Jill, Benny, and my companion for this game as witness, I drained the shot from "downtown!"

One of the things I found most interesting was that they gave these cards out to all fans. On the cards, were numbers of different racers that participated in various races throughout the evening. This made watching much more exciting as each fan had someone to cheer for. Other promotion cards were within the packet such as "Free Big Mac if the Bulls win and score 100 points."

Jill then gave us each a Bulls hat and t-shirt as well as a stadium blanket. The Bulls also provided us with 2 free tickets.

Player introductions. This was the first arena to use fireworks in the pre-game intros.

The Benny the Bull Blimp

Inflatable Bull Race

Chicago's Food

In game

My hand vs Tyrus Thomas

Almost as tall as Shaq

The foot vs Shaq

Running with the Bulls

Not a bad wingspan

Internet available at the game

Make your own sign

The dynasty I most fondly remember...

Documenting history - Arena #8 complete

Before leaving, had to stop at the Jordan statue on the East side of the building

Due to the weather, I was unable to spend any time in Chicago, yet I've visited on many occasions, so here are some of my "must-sees":
Millennium Park has these fountains where real-life faces appear to blow water

The "kidney bean" also provides some fun

The Chicago skyline reflects off of this and its a great photo opportunity

The concert venue

Navy Pier

The Sears Tower, the largest building in America

Harry Caray's restaurant. "Cubs Win, Cubs Win"

Wrigley Field

Recognize this fountain from "Married With Children?" The Buckingham Fountain

The John Hancock Center, which is usually assumed to be the 2nd tallest building in Chicago. The Aon center is actually taller than the Hancock. I would highly recommend a trip to the top of the Hancock Center

& St. Patrick's Day is the perfect time to visit Chicago as they dye the river bright green

So what should have been an easy arena visit for me turned out to be challenging... & expensive.
Still a memorable experience however. I stop and think of how many players in my High School league were better than me, yet I've made a 3 pointer on the court at the United Center. Funny!
Thank Yous: Jill Gayton & the damaged Toyota
Next stop, my favorite city of Denver, Colorado.
So wait, who did you go with then?
every time I look at this I'm more and more amazed. 5 years ago I thought you could be president of some company, now I see that you could take over the world if you really tried
i like the cameos of morrow and westy in the kidney bean (especially morrow in his "charity begins at foam" shirt.
Your post are too slow... You are leaving people feening for more... What is up with that? I've been waiting for Denver plus.. It isn't like you have work to do : ) Why you so slow? You should hire someone to blog for you... Aren't you made of money??
This is my way to see the country from my Lazy-Boy~ We've all been ready so fill us all in on the adventure!!
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