A drive down the Pennsylvania turnpike to the city of brotherly love

Take the subway to to Pattison and the Sports Complex

After meeting with James Mannion, Brad & I were immediately escorted down to the court.

Although Brad clearly doesn't know how to hold an NBA Tour sign, it does say #7 of 30

These players apparentaly use a lot of gum

76ers General Manager Billy King

My press conference after the game

Brad & I with NBA Legend World B. Free (no, I'm not kidding - that's really his name)

Sixers dance team

The 76ers conference room

There is only 1 Hip-Hop - mascot of the 76ers

After providing Brad & I with dinner, James showed us to our seats, which were spectacular (but there was more to come)! He was also kind enought to provide us each with 2 shirts, a hat, a foam finger, Sixers notepad, Sixers mug, CD holder, and pens among other things

I've obviously been to several arenas thus far and seen many championship banners, retired numbers and such, but look at this.... Bruce Springstein and Billy Joel each had banners with 45 & 46 sold out concerts respectively. Just think of how long these guys have been successful to have that many sellouts.

This arena was clearly the newest, most advanced of the bunch I've seen so many. After a few minutes of walking around the arena, I realized that I could entertain myself for hours without even a basketball game. See some examples below:

Could could forget the foosball-like hockey

Touch-screen game

Caricatures & Make-Your-Own Sign stands

Claw machine

Hot-shot basketball

Even the entertainment during timeouts was great...Deal or No Deal

Stepping outside of basketball for a moment

Inside the luxury suite...a bit smaller than others I've seen

View from Suite

Double-Dare and other game show type games occuring throughout the arena


Andre Miller from the corner

After half-time, Brad & I were lucky enough to be elected for the "seat slide." We got to walk down the stairway (to the tune of "The Price is Right" music) to our new seats which just happened to be cushioned courtside seats:
This photo appeared on Sixers.com frontpage the next day. Go to Sixers.com, scroll to the bottom and click on the Sixers snapshot section.

Let's see some highlights from this thrilling game. The Sixers led early and for most of the game, however the Warriors took this one in overtime by a score of 100-98. A late 3 pointer by Kelenna Azubuike proved to be the difference.
Nellie and Andre Iguodala

Stephen Jackson back from suspension at the free throw line

I can't thank the 76ers organization enough for all of their generousity. I gave them late notice of my arrival (after an active first few weeks of the tour) & they were still able to respond in a great way. I could go back home the next day and tell my family that they truely have been routing for a great franchise throughout their lives. No, they currently don't have any "superstars" on their roster at the moment, but I clearly learned that they are concerned for their fans and are working to make a night at the 76ers game a great time for everyone regardless of the final score.
The famous steps from the Rocky movie - weren't nearly as difficult as he made them seem

G Washington

In my next installment of "What the ****?" art, the Philadelphia clothespin:

The famous "LOVE" sculpture

I was somewhat shocked that they put a Jimmy Rollins MVP banner up at City Hall

Big William Penn up top

City Hall at night

If you are ever in Philadelphia, stop by the Irish Pub on Walnut Street and tell Issac that the NBA Tour sent you

Thanks to My family, Issac Rose, James Mannion, Eric Blankenship, Dennis Nelson, & the fundamental drinker in downtown Philadelphia.
I was hoping for a Todd Todd McCullough, being the largest man in the world
keep up the good work! i love to check these posts . it feels like i am traveling to every arena too! mccormick
great to have you back in PA...stay longer next time!
'ey mon - good stuff... i'm looking thru your pictures, realizing I was at that game - then i found myself in the pix! sweet.
oh, by the way, it's no Ben Franklin atop City Hall, it's William Penn.
Thx to the anonymous reader regarding William Penn
What you are calling Independence Hall is actually Philadelphia's City Hall, with the William Penn sculpture on top. Ol' Will has occasionally been outfitted in team colors to celebrate the playoffs for the Phillies and Flyers (not sure about the Sixers or Eagles).
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